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Showing posts with the label Weekend Getaway

Enchanted by a mountain god.Harishchandragad

Harishchandrshwar temple atop the plateau The Mountain Harishchandragad is p robably the favorite destination for most trekkers (both casual and regular trekkers) . It offers views no other destination can offer .  It presents ph enomen on which cannot be found anywhere i n the world . Tourist from outside India frequent this spot.   Whats so unique about Harishchandragarh? A formation of mountains to create a spe cial view called K onkan Kada . No one who visits it , believes it at first . It will forever capture a part of your memories. Still today , I can remember that exact time when I stood with a gaping open mouth , thunderstruck.  From its summit , at morning , I w atch ed the sun emerging in between clouds from its abode . All the stories I heard became true . There is nothing beautif ul t han nature. This was the second trek of my life (first being Ratangarh ..another gem..another fantastic trek ). And this was special. A night trek. ...